Victory Arch Square
Our proposals offer a fantastic new public square in front of Victory Arch, providing step-free access between Waterloo Station and the South Bank.

In its current state, the space in front of Victory Arch is cluttered, hostile, unpleasant and unattractive. It restricts pedestrian flows and makes wayfinding a challenge for those visiting Waterloo. It is not an entrance befitting the UK’s busiest train station.
We propose to transform the space to create Victory Arch Square, a high- quality new public realm that will provide a proper front door to Waterloo Station, suitable for all station users.
In particular, our proposals will:
- Realign Cab Road and Station Approach so that pedestrians do not have to cross it when approaching from Sutton Walk.
- Remove the lift and stairs in front of Victory Arch, which are no longer needed because of the IMAX scheme, to create more space for pedestrians.
- Introduce trees to green the space.
- Create a direct level pedestrian route into the new station entrances within the WIT.
- Create a new set of stairs leading directly from Victory Arch to the Tension Way bus station.
- Provide an active retail frontage onto the Square.
- Remove the multitude of signs and replace them with a clean, coherent wayfinding strategy.
- Replace the low quality tarmac and paving with high quality consistent materials.
Our proposals will also provide a new west face to the Grade II listed Victory Arch, which will be exposed following the demolition of Elizabeth House. The arch was built in 1922 to commemorate the 585 London & South West Railway employees who lost their lives in the First World War, and so our proposals will celebrate its presence and give it the setting it deserves.